

Traveling Germany and U.K.

I traveled to Germany and U.K. from Jul 5 to Jul 27. My things Two wallets (the one is sub) Clothes (three pairs of under ware, a pair of pants, a pair of short pants, a pair of short pants for sleeping) A multiple power plug adapter A han…

Full-text search for Japanese with ngram full-text parser

TL;DR Create an index with ngram full-text parser. CREATE FULLTEXT INDEX idx_message_log ON message_log (message) WITH PARSER ngram; ngram Full-Text Parser We want to do a full-text search for searching our entire texts that exist about 15…

Building a CI for Golang test

I built a CI with Jenkins for Golang test. We run go test on a Docker container and even run Jenkins on a Docker container. Directories app ├── docker │ ├── dockerfiles # Dockerfiles for unit test │ └── test │ ├── # This initial…


Goは他のフレームワークにあるような大きなアサーションツールを持っていません。Goでは testing.T オブジェクトのメソッドがテストに使われます。 T.Error(args ...interface{}) または T.Error(msg string, args interface{}) はメッセージを受け取ってテ…

Lenear algebra for machine learning

[mathjax] I've been reviewing linear algebra, Mathematics for Machine Learning: Linear Algebra on Coursera. I finished the Week 2 module. This course is easy to understand as far. And I memorize what I did in week one and week two modules.…

Proposal of CEDEC 2018

I proposed the automatic reply system for our customer support to CEDEC 2018. Last week, CEDEC 2018 committee announced proposals adoptions. My proposal was not adopted, I am afraid. The causes I thought is that I just created an automatic…


English LSTMの文の理解能力について、個人的に面白いと思ったので紹介したいと思います。今回使用した学習済みモデルはこちらの記事で紹介しています。 以下の動画は2つの質問を学習済みモデルにしたものです。A(上の質問)は課金に関する質問で、B(下の質問…

Understanding sentence with LSTM

I am going to demonstrate LSTM understand a sentence. The model I used explained this blog post. Below video gives an example classifies the two questions that A is about payment and B is about an account. Both texts are what mix these two…


English Kerasを使ってテキスト分類をするWebアプリケーションのプロトタイプを作ってみました。このプロトタイプはカスタマーサービスで利用することを想定してカスタマーからの質問に自動で返答することを考えます。質問はいくつかのカテゴリーに属してい…

Multi-categorical text classification with LSTM

I created the prototype of a web application for customer service that uses sequence classification with Keras. This prototype's purpose is to reply the proper response of some categories to our customer are based on the questions customer…

Use Mono 2.X on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS

Unfortunately, I had to use the Mono which version is 2.X in my project. It's very old, released in 2012! So I installed it on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS from source and do make. Then the error occurred in doing make like this: ./.libs/libmini-stati…

How to install CUDA and cuDNN on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS

I've been running this machine for TensorFlow and Keras with Jupyter notebook. These are my environments: $ cat /etc/lsb-release DISTRIB_ID=Ubuntu DISTRIB_RELEASE=16.04 DISTRIB_CODENAME=xenial DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION="Ubuntu 16.04.3 LTS" $ lsp…

The solution of "​<Error>: Could not successfully update network info during initialization."


What happened The error message like below happened on iOS when launching an app and crash immediately. ​<Error>: Could not successfully update network info during initialization. Before this message happened, I purchased a lot of auto-renewal su</error>…

Reproduce transactions as new transaction id when repurchasing an auto-renewable subscription

I was building an app which has auto-renewable subscriptions. When I try to resubscribe the subscription I subscribed before, then iOS shows the dialog, “You’re currently subscribed to this.”, And enqueue all of the transactions I purchase…

App receipt on iOS can exceed the upper limit of the TEXT type on InnoDB

The TEXT type's upper limit of character is 65535 characters. App receipt's size, characters, can grow beyond the upper limit of the TEXT type. Therefore, I changed the type to MEDIUMTEXT type.

AWS Quicksign doesn't have the Tokyo region yet

Athena and Quicksign are not able to connect to each other in the different regions, for instance, Tokyo and Singapore. Available regions in here. I hope Quicksign is available in Tokyo region!

The test cases for In-App Purchase on iOS


I came up to implement In-App Purchase on iOS with Unity. I looked for the test cases for In-App Purchase, however, couldn't find their cases. Therefore, I memorize the test cases I checked myself. At first, please read In-App Purchase Bes…

CoreMLを使ったGenerative Adversarial NetworkのiOS Appを作る

English page iOS上でCoreMLを使って手書き文字を生成するアプリを作成しました。 手書き文字の生成からアプリの公開までをまとめておきたいと思います。 使ったソフトウェア Xcode 9.2 (9C40b) Docker 17.09.1-ce TensorFlow docker imagesha256:1bb38d61d2…

Create a Generative Adversarial Network iOS App with CoreML

I created the app that generates a handwritten image with CoreML on iOS. I'm going to explain the process to release this app from beginning to end. The software versions Xcode 9.2 (9C40b) Docker 17.09.1-ce TensorFlow docker imagesha256:1b…

Use native code on iOS with Unity Native Code in the Unity

First, write native code you used for iOS. Read this document I needed to write native code for the In-App Purchase on iOS. Then, just put your native code in the Assets/Plugins/iOS directory. The hierarchy like this; For example, using Ob…

How to find out bottlenecks in HTTP server and MySQL

I participated in ISUCON for the first time. I acquired some knowledge to find out bottleneck in HTTP server and MySQL. Our team used alp for HTTP response analysis and pt-query-digest for MySQL slow query analysis. I try to introduce thes…

I implemented GANs

I implemented GANs(Generative Adversarial Networks) because I want to learn about GANs with TensorFlow. I referred to here. And this is my code implemented GANs. This code almost same what I referred. My GANs repeatedly learn with MNIST ha…

I went to iOSDC 2017

I went to iOSDC 2017 on September 17th. This conference held for iOS developers on September from 16th to 17th at Waseda University. I heard these sessions: 飛び道具ではないMetal This session told us how to use Metal to render an image on …

I participated in CEDEC 2017

I participated CEDEC 2017 from August 30th to September 1st in Yokohama. The conference is the first time I went to DECEC that is held every year as far as I know. All participants engage in game developing. I look at below sessions. Day 1…

Learning how to learn

I've been reading SOFT SKILLS ソフトウェア開発者の人生マニュアル(Japanese version) of "Soft Skills". I've made sense implicitly this method before I read the book. I found the chapter "Learning how to learn" that is helpful. So I try to in…

What is the difference between tf.placeholder and tf.Variable

I read this tutorial. There were the confusing terms they are tf.placeholder and tf.Variable. So I checked the difference point. tf.placeholder is called when a session runs a calculation. If once you set a value with tf.placeholder, it ca…

Index Key Prefix Length Limitation on InnoDB

Index Key Prefix Length Limitation on InnoDB I encountered the problem index key prefix length limitation on InnoDB when I migrate a database. The problem was like this: Specified key was too long; max key length is 767 bytes The index key…

I went to builderscon tokyo 2017

I went to builderscon tokyo 2017 from August 3rd to 5th. The eve of the conference I heard some fascinating talks, but I was told not to tell anyone about them, so unfortunately I can't write about them. I think the organizers should keep …

How to make development environment of Go with Mono and Protocol Buffers

I joined a project, and I begin to develop an application in it. This project has used golang. So I studied it and prepared its developing environment. This article is the what I did to make development environment of GO. Prerequisite Inst…

How to change Timezone on Docker with Ubuntu 16.04

Ubuntu 16.04 and every other use UTC by default. I want to change to JST. So I search about this on the web, and some site said to use like this. Show list of time zone $ timedatectl list-timezones But I executed this command, and then abo…