


Full-text search for Japanese with ngram full-text parser

TL;DR Create an index with ngram full-text parser. CREATE FULLTEXT INDEX idx_message_log ON message_log (message) WITH PARSER ngram; ngram Full-Text Parser We want to do a full-text search for searching our entire texts that exist about 15…

App receipt on iOS can exceed the upper limit of the TEXT type on InnoDB

The TEXT type's upper limit of character is 65535 characters. App receipt's size, characters, can grow beyond the upper limit of the TEXT type. Therefore, I changed the type to MEDIUMTEXT type.

How to find out bottlenecks in HTTP server and MySQL

I participated in ISUCON for the first time. I acquired some knowledge to find out bottleneck in HTTP server and MySQL. Our team used alp for HTTP response analysis and pt-query-digest for MySQL slow query analysis. I try to introduce thes…

Index Key Prefix Length Limitation on InnoDB

Index Key Prefix Length Limitation on InnoDB I encountered the problem index key prefix length limitation on InnoDB when I migrate a database. The problem was like this: Specified key was too long; max key length is 767 bytes The index key…